Minnesota Covid Survey

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16 thoughts on “Minnesota Covid Survey”

  1. With a change in leadership, Minnesotans will again prosper with personal liberty and opportunity. Dr. Scott Jensen will provide that leadership.

  2. Will not take the vaccine ever!! Democrats are shoving this down our throats and bribing adults AND children to take it! Something bigger than ourselves (evil) is happening here and we need to stop this!

  3. I personally think Tim Walz and Jan Malcolm should face criminal charges for their handling of our senior citizens. Sending known infected patients back to infect others is pure stupidity.

  4. We should have done like Sweden let it go we’d be over it by now. Who knows if we keep dragging it on it will never end. Time to be done.

  5. STOP THE VACCINE MANDATES! This is a blanton violation of our constitutional rights. We will fight against the Biden Administration and Democrat regime to turn the United States to socialism, by any and all means necessary!!

  6. Walz is just as worthless as Frey, Carter, Omar, Ellison, Klobuchar, and Smith. They’re all just slightly better than Biden and Harris.

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